What Exactly Is Red Eye Disease?

Recently, regions in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania issued alerts regarding an outbreak of conjunctivitis, commonly known as red eye. Conjunctivitis is an eye condition characterized by inflammation of the thin, transparent membrane covering the eyelid and eyeball. When the tiny blood vessels within this membrane (conjunctiva) become swollen, it leads to irritation, resulting in a reddish appearance of the white part of the eyes.

Red eye can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, as well as allergic reactions. Viral conjunctivitis typically begins in one eye and spreads to the other, often accompanied by flu-like symptoms or respiratory infections. Bacterial conjunctivitis, on the other hand, may cause discharge, leading to sticky eyelids and, occasionally, an ear infection.

In infants, it can be triggered by an incompletely opened tear duct. This condition is highly contagious, especially viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. Improperly cleaned contact lenses or sharing lenses with others can lead to bacterial conjunctivitis. Additionally, adenovirus, as well as other viruses like herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus, can also cause red eyes.

Symptoms of red eye include
● pink or red discoloration of the eyes,
● swelling of the conjunctiva,
● increased tear production,
● itchiness,
● discharge of pus or mucus sticking to the lashes
● crusting of eyelids or lashes.
Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis may coincide with cold or respiratory infection symptoms such as a sore throat.

Preventing the spread of the disease:
● Avoid direct contact with the discharge from an infected person's eye. Although “red eye” typically does not impair vision and can improve within a few days without treatment, it may cause sensitivity to light and excessive tearing.
● Frequently wash hands with warm soapy water, cover the mouth and nose while sneezing, and dispose of used materials properly.
● Infected individuals should refrain from sharing personal items such as towels, pillows, eye drops, or makeup.
● Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes or face.

Check back tomorrow for more information about the red eye disease.